Chapter Text
Aban Stone woke up to Ivo Robotnik, his lover, at his bedside. This was pretty abnormal, Aban was almost always awake before Ivo. Even if Aban woke up after him, Ivo would usually be already at work. Rather than sitting beside him, not even on the bed nonetheless! As his tiredness cleared, Aban felt aches in his body. A harsh reminder of why he was in this abnormal position. The emerald. The red space porcupine teamed with the blue(gold now?) hedgehog and the cute fox one. His Doctor being his brilliant self with Agent Stone loyally by his side, and that wasn’t enough. Aban tore Ivo out of the rubble. Carrying him away, a safe distance from the battle so they wouldn’t be immediately incarcerated. Then… nothing. He passed out from his injuries and exhaustion.
“Finally, you're awake. Took you long enough. Despite having lesser injuries, you slept far longer. A sign of your bodies inferior- oof,” Ivo exclaimed after getting caught off guard by a lap full of his boyfriend. Aban hugged him tightly, ignoring his bones protesting in favour of squeezing the life out of his lover.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Aban said, holding back his tears of relief. The last time the Doctor went up against the hedgehog alone, he got sent to a different planet for far too long. Agent Stone swore if Doctor Robotnik took on Sonic again, he’d be right by his side. That way he can protect him properly. Despite their epic loss, Aban still had Ivo. That’s all that mattered to him.
“Of course I’m okay! Those overpowered alien Wonder Pets can’t keep the phenomenal Doctor Robotnik down for long! Now that you’re awake, it’s time you get packing. We are in one of my mobile labs. We will be taking what we can and ditching the rest. The government clearly has nothing better to do than try and erase my existence again. Yours this time too, no doubt, considering your direct involvement. I hope you’re ready to go into hiding, my dear.”
“Actually… I’m more than ready. Don’t you worry about a thing, I have this under control!”
Aban had many tricks up his sleeve that Ivo still didn’t even know about, he’s recently found. Like the van that was hidden away in a storage unit under a completely different name. Aban told him that it was there in case of emergencies, he’s had fail-safes in place since he first became an agent and assassin for the government. Ivo did respect his foresight. And maybe his heart was warmed when Aban offhandedly mentioned how he used to just keep a smaller car in storage. Then changed it to a van when he began working for esteemed Doctor Robotnik. After all, Aban wouldn’t have been able to fit Doctor Robotnik and his machines in a small car with himself.
Almost two full days of driving and they were finally here. Deep in one of Maine’s forests. Besides the overwhelming amount of trees, the large house accompanied by a bigger farm hidden by these trees was all that was in sight. The many live animals and lights on in the house indicated there were people there. Ivo wasn’t too fond of this observation. Aban was suspiciously standoffish when it came to where he was taking them. But Aban is the only living being Ivo trusted, so he let him be, until now.
“We are certainly in the middle of nowhere. Now who else is here?” Ivo questioned sternly. This was most definitely a step up from Green Hills, not like that was a high bar though. Despite Green Hills being so small it was hardly a town, all the people in it were very nosey. At least it was properly secluded out here.
“Okay, don’t get mad-“ Aban started sheepishly but was rudely cut off before he could continue.
“Right, because all wonderful news gets delivered like that,” Ivo said sarcastically. Aban sighed, used to Ivo’s quick wit and tendency to cut people off very often. Reaching across the middle console, Aban grabbed one of Ivo’s hands in his own and turned to face him more. Already having taken the seatbelt off when they parked, this was easier to maneuver. Aban needed Ivo to take him seriously before they were ambushed.
“We are at my childhood home, where my parents live.”
“What? Did I mishear you, Agent? Surely you didn’t take the two people, that the government is frothing at the mouth for, home to play with mommy and daddy? Please tell me you aren’t that stupid. What could you have even been thinking?” Ivo spit out. His grip on Stone’s hand tightened just enough to not be painful. Being well aware of his agent’s pain tolerance by now. In theory, Ivo knew people turned to their familial connections in times of need or turmoil, but this was ridiculous.
“Wait. Were you even thinking? I should have checked you for a concussion before I let you make any decisions like this… what tomfoolery…” Ivo muttered. Already talking again before Aban could respond.
“Listen, have I ever led you wrong before?” At the reluctant shake of Ivo’s head, Aban continued, “I promise you, this is the right place to go.”
“How are you sure that your family would be okay with our presence after the glorious destruction we caused?” Ivo asked. After all, he may not know much about families. But he knew average Joes didn’t like to be related to people like them.
“Oh, you haven’t met my family yet. But you’ll see right away why I’m sure they’re okay with it.”
Exiting the van and seeing two slightly familiar older women waiting expectantly was nerve-wracking for Ivo. He expected this sort of thing to happen eventually. Being exposed to the classic ‘meet the family’ situation in media. Unlike himself, Ivo knew that Aban had a family he stayed in touch with. He’s seen pictures hanging around. And Aban mentioned parents and siblings before. Though he didn’t go into detail often. Likely to do with Ivo’s rants about the unreliability of familial relationships or how they only lead to disappointment and pain. In their couple years dating, and even longer working together, Ivo didn’t leave much room open for topics of family.
Aban was immediately pulled into a group hug when he was close enough. The two whispering loving words in a mix of English and Arabic that Ivo didn’t care enough to eavesdrop on. When Aban exited the hug, he went right back to Ivo’s side. Ready to introduce them all to each other for the first time.
“Ivo, these are my mothers. My Omm, Jamila, and my mum, Naima. Moms, meet Doctor Ivo Robotnik, my boyfriend.”
Before Ivo could even react, he was pulled into a group hug by the two women. Aban watched with wide eyes for a moment, too shocked to react immediately. Ivo froze completely, overwhelmed by the sudden and extremely unexpected casual affection.
“Omm, mum, please don’t surround him. I told you before he’s not very fond of touch he doesn’t initiate,” Aban said, nudging his mother Jamila out of the way. His other mother, Naima, was still holding onto Ivo with a tight grip. Before Aban could get her off his boyfriend too, his mother Jamila addressed him. Hands-on her hips in her ‘lecturing stance’.
“Aban! You have been together for two years now and you’re telling me that you’ve yet to help him with physical contact? That is not the man I raised.”
“Contact from me is different. He doesn’t even know you yet, not everyone likes that,” Aban said pleadingly. Hoping his other mother would take the hint and let go of Ivo sooner rather than later. Said man was still frozen, processing slower than Aban had ever seen him. He would’ve laughed if he wasn’t worried about Ivo getting overstimulated.
“But he’s family now. And we show love to our family! You can’t escape our love,” Naima said, finally stepping back. Letting Ivo breathe without being smothered by women he just met. Jamila went to her wife, grabbing one of her hands in her own. The two faced the younger couple, now a more respectable distance in Ivo’s opinion.
“Don’t you worry about it sweetheart, our family is very physically affectionate. But if anyone makes you uncomfortable, you can tell them off. They outta know better ‘bout respecting people’s boundaries. Especially you Naima, you have to set a good example for the children,” Jamila said, first reassuring Ivo and then scolding her wife. Normally Ivo’s ‘telling people off’ involved shouting or lasers. In the face of his boyfriend’s family, he panicked and didn’t know how to act. All he knew was he couldn’t use his typical means of defence.
“They’re not kids anymore! They will act how they act. That being said… I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, sweetheart. I am very happy to meet you so I got ahead of myself. Our little Aban hasn’t ever brought anyone home. He hasn’t stopped gushing about you for years now,” Naima said happily. Ivo wasn’t used to people being so happy to see him. It still shocked him how excited Aban was to see him sometimes. It was unusual and flattering in a way that warmed his chest.
“Mum, stop please.”
“Aban is right, darling, there is something more important that requires our immediate attention. The physical state of you both! I already informed Chadia and Nour, and they should be here within the next couple of hours. In the meantime, you two are on bedrest!” Jamila demanded. Leaving no room for disagreement or arguing. Aban still tried his luck, however.
“You aren’t possibly pulling them from their jobs to treat us? I passed all the first-aid courses, and Ivo has multiple PhDs. We don’t need help to be nursed back to perfect health,” Aban refuted. Not only did they not need help, but Aban did not want to bother his two oldest sisters for something like this. Hell, his oldest sister Nour is a neurosurgeon. She may know basic medical practice of course, but it wasn’t worth her time. Especially considering she owned and ran the clinic she worked at.
“Nonsense! Just because you can treat the wounds of others doesn’t mean you can unbiasedly treat yourselves. Into the house you go, unpack later,” Jamila said. Staring her son down challengingly, well aware he would fold. She takes health very seriously. When it comes to her children, she can be real stubborn. With a sigh, Aban acceded.
“It’s best to just go with it, my moms can be very persistent when they want something. Follow me, Doctor, I’ll take you to my room,” Aban said. Nodding over to the house, he began walking with Ivo right beside him. When they were at a relatively safe distance from the two women, Ivo broke his overwhelmed silence. In favour of teasing his Agent.
“Straight to your bedroom, very presumptuous of you, isn’t it?”
Beside a laugh Aban poorly hid with a cough, he didn’t bother responding to that one. Instead, he focused on typing in a sixteen-digit code and eye scan on the door. Ivo was mildly impressed by the technology this seemingly classic farmhouse had. Looking around, he noticed many cameras, motion, and heat detectors all around. Each one is incredibly small, and easily missed if you aren’t a genius.
“The chances of a house such as this having security this developed is statistically low,” Ivo stated. Not one to give out compliments willy-nilly. Aban smirked slightly, decoding what Ivo was saying happened to be something Aban was extremely skilled in.
“My mom’s made the system themselves!” Aban said proudly. He didn’t get to talk about his family's achievements ever. Not when he kept their existence so close to his chest. In his line of work, he didn’t dare risk anyone finding out about his family. Any time he talked about them, he made it abundantly clear they still lived in Lebanon.
“Hmm, good to see your family is competent, Agent.”
Ivo had minimal time to observe the inside of the house. Aban dragged him through it quickly to reach his own room. Pictures decorated the walls, happy family ones Ivo assumed. From what he saw, the house was clean. When they reached Aban’s room and entered it, the room was also clean. Though clearly unused. Especially considering the small lingering dust on the shelves and in the air. Aban cracked open a window to let some fresh air in. Ivo closed the door behind him, prepared to walk around the room and observe his boyfriend’s childhood things.
Before he could do that, however, Aban tackled him onto the bed. Letting out a surprised ‘oof’, Ivo laid stretched out like a starfish with his boyfriend resting on top of him. Aban was cautious with his weight and where he was touching his boyfriend. Careful not to worsen any of the injuries he received from the battle a couple of days prior.
“You left yourself open,” Aban teased. Mocking Ivo’s tendency to say that after his ‘surprise attacks’. Ivo huffed amused and kept unusually quiet. After a few moments of silence, Aban rolled over so he was only half on top of Ivo. He looked up to the taller man questioningly.
“This year has been a record-breaking low for us.”
Aban squeezed Ivo a little tighter. Ivo’s words remind him harshly of the many months they were apart, Ivo stuck on an isolated planet. Aban tried to stay busy and productive, so everything would be ready for Ivo’s inevitable return. But any time he wasn’t busy, he was crying.
“Things will get better for us, I’ll make sure of it,” Aban swore. Meaning every word he said. He’d do anything for his Doctor.
“That sounds like foolish optimism. I’ll believe it, just this once, for you, Aban.”